My stint blogging on this virtual faculty workshop ends tonight. Many thanks to Danielle and company for bringing me on board for the past 2 months. It’s been a blast, and I’ve really enjoyed interacting with such an insightful and thought-provoking audience.
Yet, I hope to hear from many of you, quite soon. As I noted in my inaugural post, I have submitted my application for the AALS Faculty Recruitment Conference in Washington, D.C. in October.
If any Profs out there have enjoyed my commentary here, or on my blog, or have taken an interest in my publications (SSRN), please drop me a line: joshblackman at gmail dot com. I would be eager to chat about any hiring needs or vacancies at your school.
My C.V. is available here. My FAR form is available here. All of my AALS materials are available here.
I hope to meet some of you at the meat market.